


1.子曰:吾十有五而志於學,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳順,七十而從心所欲,不踰矩。 問題:你認為美國人對於人在各個年齡階段的描述有一樣或不同的地方嗎?

回答:我認為想大部分的美國人都覺得“尊敬年輕大得人”。 比較老人有更多智慧,耐心,和對人了解所以他們(大部分的時間)就會期望人給他們的支持。但是美國人不覺得年輕大的人是無所不知的。

2.子曰:父母在,不遠遊,遊必有方。 問題:你每次出遠門時會告訴你父母嗎?你認為你父母應該知道你在哪裡、做什麼事、跟誰在一起嗎?請寫出你的理由。

回答:如果我是跟父母親住在一起的,我會告訴他們那些事情。 但是我們離開家,辦到外地的話我那時候不會告訴他們所有的是。 他們知道我能夠看顧自己和作我想作的事情。美國這邊會比較輕鬆。人都了解大家都想很多自由。那就很好。



回答:如果老師沒有薪水的話,我覺得送禮物很好。大家都要一些鼓勵來作他們的工可是如果送太多的話,那不太好。不太好因為如果老師一直在收到禮物的話,他的目的有可能會變了。比如說,老師開始教課很有可能真要教學生。但是當學生們給他很多禮物時,他會覺得“喔這些禮物很好。我可以作甚麼來讓我獲得更多的禮物呢? 4.子曰:後生可畏,焉知來者之不如今也?四十、五十而無聞焉,亦不足畏也已。


回答:如果那位的生活一直很亂的話,他一直在浪費他的生命的話,他長大時人不會幫助他。人知道其他人的生命渴望。如果他不要過一個好的生活人不會幫助他。 可是如果人沒有很多機會過很好的生活的話,人就會看到他的渴望和他的目標來幫助他達成他的目標。





Viva Las Vegas

yeah, it's true. it's been an extremely busy 2 weeks for me up here in logan, and in california, now also from vegas! i headed down there because something was sold out in wendover...collective soul!!! i couldn't pass up them in concert. after all, i've only seen them twice in concert and i missed them once while i was out of town (republic of china). plus i've always wanted to go to vegas. great excuse right? i headed down there with ben cook and we hit it up! stayed in sam's town (if you don't know what sam's town is and why it's special to me, go to itunes and type "sam's town" in the search menu on the itunes store and you'll figure out why). I now truly understand brandon when he says "well have you ever seen the lights?" because i have and i "feel what you feel" when i hear those words. The trip was very eventful-lots of vegas stuff. one thing i found especially humorous was at around 4:30 am while ben and i were walking down the strip, we saw 3 maxi vans with "LV police" painted all up and down the sides. it wasn't the vans that were comical, but what was inside...prostitutes. very funny! probably 40 of them at least. with a handful outside of the cars attempting to talk their way out of getting arrested and "walking the line". apparently they were 'supposed' to walk a very crooked line all the meanwhile shouting out excuses about how this is "against their rights". blah blah blah LAUGH!!! it was a good trip. but i'm glad to be back in sweet old logan. this place really is the bestest place EVER. oh yeah, did i mention i went to the yeah yeah yeah's concert on the way back up here??????? now THEY CAN PUT ON A SHOW!!! peace


Chinese, hello, cali.

Yeah, that's pretty much what just happened this past week. Went to chinese class just like any other day on wednesday and i started talking to Megan...she's cool. Then we hung out in class, and while we were walking back to campus she mentioned she was going to disneyland the next day (thurs). i jokingly said "got extra seats?" and to my suprise, she said she did! next thing i knew, i was contemplating going to california with a girl i had met 50 minutes previous and all her friends. of course i played it off like i would go regardless of what might be coming up in my life (a previously planned weekend full of errand running and what not) but i finally decided to just GO! it was a free trip (except food of course) to disneyland after all. so come thursday (30 hours after saying hi to megan mind you) i found myself in a minivan full of girls headed down to st george (the guys were at the USU vs UofU game and came down later that night). we had a BLAST. we rolled into california and hit the beach, had incredible food on the huntington beach pier w everyone and then spent the following day (17 solid hours) at disneyland. Talk about a freakin awesome trip! we had everything. more details coming up. i gotta go to chinese. maybe another trip is in store...



我是用我的新的mac打这些字。它很厉害。会让它比较好是我有一个很好的原因买它。。。大学啦!每一件事都在用大声说“这边是完美!”我很爱这边。我的室友很好。 也是很轻松的。我很爱我的汉语课(不过它的缺点),和我真会写我的功课!我学习了很多!除非化学(谁管呢?)和一些我不懂的数学的问题之外我都过的很好。 可是数学的好点是-坐我前面的那个位子有一个很漂亮的女生要和我写功课。 其实她现在坐我旁边。哎呀没时间。。。要走。等我一下!!


College is the best

So i'm typing this from my new mac. it's awesome. what makes it better is that i have a really really good excuse to get it...college! everything about up here is screaming "AMAZING"! i love it up here. my roommates are way awesome and chill. i LOVE my chinese class (despite it's imperfections), and i actually do my homework and am learning! exceptions = chemistry (who cares anyways?) and a couple questions from the last math assignment. but perk of the math is - i was asking a question in class just barely and the really really pretty girl infront of me (strategically placed by me) turns around and says "oh look at this in the back of the book..."and we strike up a convo and then class ends. she leaves, i quickly throw everything in my backpack and catch up with her and get talking more. her name is abbey (yes - same abbey as in abbey road. how cool are her parnets????) and we're going to be study friends. YES. she's cool. and pretty. and funny. i'm excited. i'll keep you posted.
oh yeah, i LOVE collective soul.