yeah, it's true. it's been an extremely busy 2 weeks for me up here in logan, and in california, now also from vegas! i headed down there because something was sold out in wendover...collective soul!!! i couldn't pass up them in concert. after all, i've only seen them twice in concert and i missed them once while i was out of town (republic of china). plus i've always wanted to go to vegas. great excuse right? i headed down there with ben cook and we hit it up! stayed in sam's town (if you don't know what sam's town is and why it's special to me, go to itunes and type "sam's town" in the search menu on the itunes store and you'll figure out why). I now truly understand brandon when he says "well have you ever seen the lights?" because i have and i "feel what you feel" when i hear those words. The trip was very eventful-lots of vegas stuff. one thing i found especially humorous was at around 4:30 am while ben and i were walking down the strip, we saw 3 maxi vans with "LV police" painted all up and down the sides. it wasn't the vans that were comical, but what was inside...prostitutes. very funny! probably 40 of them at least. with a handful outside of the cars attempting to talk their way out of getting arrested and "walking the line". apparently they were 'supposed' to walk a very crooked line all the meanwhile shouting out excuses about how this is "against their rights". blah blah blah LAUGH!!! it was a good trip. but i'm glad to be back in sweet old logan. this place really is the bestest place EVER. oh yeah, did i mention i went to the yeah yeah yeah's concert on the way back up here??????? now THEY CAN PUT ON A SHOW!!! peace
oh bRades. glad you two had fuN!!! can't wait to see you this weekend!