
College is the best

So i'm typing this from my new mac. it's awesome. what makes it better is that i have a really really good excuse to get it...college! everything about up here is screaming "AMAZING"! i love it up here. my roommates are way awesome and chill. i LOVE my chinese class (despite it's imperfections), and i actually do my homework and am learning! exceptions = chemistry (who cares anyways?) and a couple questions from the last math assignment. but perk of the math is - i was asking a question in class just barely and the really really pretty girl infront of me (strategically placed by me) turns around and says "oh look at this in the back of the book..."and we strike up a convo and then class ends. she leaves, i quickly throw everything in my backpack and catch up with her and get talking more. her name is abbey (yes - same abbey as in abbey road. how cool are her parnets????) and we're going to be study friends. YES. she's cool. and pretty. and funny. i'm excited. i'll keep you posted.
oh yeah, i LOVE collective soul.

1 comment:

  1. yay!!! i cannot wait to come visit you brades. i need ya. xoxo
