
My little sister rocks

So christmas was quite a good one this year. Why? Well a. I am in the United States of America (man this place rocks) and b. my little sister totally hooked me up with a fantastic present. I had mentioned that I wanted a Taylor Swift poster and, to my avail, I couldn't find one that i liked. So the last present that was under the christmas tree this year happened to be a poster of some kind. And it was for me. I opened it and discovered this little treasure looking back at me
pretty much, this was the best christmas ever. Now i can have Taylor looking over me every night I sleep now. Thanks Natalie!!!


My new love

You might be thinking "oh how cute! brady hooked up with the girl from his last posting..." well there would be one thing right with that statement and two things wrong: A. i did fall in love with a babe. 2. It isn't the girl from the basketball game. III. I haven't officially "met" the girl of my dreams...yet. D. I need to start liking "country music" in order to hook up with the girl of my dreams. Don't get me wrong, I still am desperately in love with my reese but lets face it, she wouldn't really like a 21 year old guy taking care of her kids while she's out "stage kissing" people like Christian Bale and Mark Ruffalo. So i found someone way more practical and in my league - Taylor Swift. I watched a SNL skit at my sister's house with Bryce and I instantly fell in love with taylor. She's the babe of the century. She will be mine. I've diligently been announcing my love on the popular social networking site "facebook" and only received negative, discouraging responses. I guess i now know who my real friends are...thanks Nan and Bryce for being so encouraging. I know that i will, one day, be with the girl of my dreams. I mean really, who doesn't want to be with her???
(the video starts around 10 seconds. perks of downloading the free version off the internet)
what i would give to be the guy in the video...oh yeah, if i have to like country for someone like THAT, i would in a heartbeat


//Phrazes for the Young//

I like U2, The Killers, and Julian Casablancas.
So back by popular demand is my life - in english. I have been using my blog for a grade in my chinese class. So sorry for all those emails saying that "bradford has a new post". Then, to your dismay, discover that it's all in chinese. That's going to stop for at least a month. Hopefully more.
What should I publish over the internet that the entire world could possibly see? Dang, if you google my name, you can only find this guy -->http://www.facebook.com/people/Brady-Knight/1623950057 -- that's just too bad. In that case, here goes
I put my facebook status to "today is one of those days that needs to be COMPLETELY recorded in your journal...every nick and cranny of the day must be looked at. i'm off to write a novel!" Unfortunately that never happened. Anyone surprised? Expected from a 21 year old boy. Here's why it was a noteworthy Day
I went to Cafe Rio for lunch with my best friend Kirby and his wife Lindsay. While we were there, I was complaining about how the last 3 girls i've taken on dates all kinda gave me the shaft. I was down. Very pessimistic about the females in the world. Just then, as I was drinking all the rest of my glass of soda, Kirby notices that his friend Jasmine (he knew her in H.S. and his brother took her on a couple of dates a while back) was sitting at the other table. He told me that i should go get her number and ask her out. Since I was wallowing in my grief and didn't want to (Kirby tried to set me up with his other friend who was "SUPER awesome and compatible with me) because of past experience, I declined. I declined. I declined. I whisper shouted, "KIRBY, SIT DOWN,". Then after trying to drink the already drained cup of soda (I was desperate to try to disappear from inside that restaurant), I scrounged for things to give me the appearance of being busy. It started with the obvious - cell phone, poke my food, drink the here before mentioned empty drink - and I didn't even once look over. If I did, I already knew my fate - instant death by humiliation. I could see it all playing out in my head - Scott: "Hey Jasmine! I thought that was you!" Jasmine: "Scott! Hey! Aren't you married?" Scott: "Why yes I am but my friend over there isn't and he thinks you're really really cute!" Jasmine: "Your friend, over THERE? So what if he thinks I'm cute. He's over THERE. Not over here," (all the meanwhile I'm poking my food, texting, and drinking an empty glass all with expert precision).
Kirby came back to the table with a look of pure glee on his face holding a torn piece of napkin and said "You owe me Brady." And to my dismay, the torn napkin had one word and 10 numbers. I wanted to die. I didn't even think I was going to make it out of the building without passing out from too much blood in the face.
I wanted to kill Kirby. I couldn't believe what he'd done! Both he and his wife had different plans and on the way back up to campus, they attempted to persuade my undeviating mind that the whole situation was being looked on in an entirely different light from Jasmine's perspective. I refused to believe it and retired to a couch in the student center only to experience pleadings and tauntings from the content enemy. Kirby and Lindsay forced me to text Jasmine and ask her to the basketball game. While my heavy fingers slowly pounded 4-4-3-3-9-9-9-space-5-2-7-7-7-7-6-4-4-4-6-6-3-3 to start off my text, they hurriedly looked up what pictures of Jasmine on their facebook accounts. After I "asked" her if she was busy the following night (Wednesday) and hit send, the enforcers discovered, to my dismay, that Jasmine's birthday was, you named it, on the following night (Wednesday). However, with the text already sent, my fate had already been etched into the bleak stone of my life.
Shortly following the panicky swoosh of a clean sleeve wiping sweat from my brow after a familiar "bzzz-bzzz-bzzz" was heard, the offer was accepted. Not with a simple "no, I'm not busy" or rejected with a humiliating "oh yeah, tomorrow I've got a study group for my pre-intro to conceptual theory math class" but rather, excitedly accepted with a "I would love to do something." It was better than just that, the message was even garnished with a stomach-turning-over "" at the end.
My day proceeded to get better. Chinese class was a roaring success, the sun came out, the FREEZING Logan weather seemed cheerful, not spine shivering. The more I thought about it, the more excited I got for the following day. She even offered to bring hot chocolate to the date (why you may ask? Because we went to the USU - BYU game and the line to get into the Spectrum has been formed 2 days before the game)! This girl seemed to be too good to be true!!! Well she was way good and not too good and it was true! That was a good day.
Now, how did the date go? I'm all blogged out for the day. You'll have to exercise patience like I did and just wait for the day to come. Man, I waited for a long time out in the COLD Logan December 2nd weather to get into that blasted arena. My left foot nearly got "bite"-en alive by mr frost, my scarf was begging me for another soldire to be at the front of the line against the battle with the infamous Old Main Hill Wind, and my nose is lucky to have made it out alive considering how much of his vital fluids he carelessly let "run" out of him. But once Jasmine made it to my now wearily defended spot in line, everything looked up. WAY up. We hit it right off and enjoyed ourselves the entire time USU proceeded to cook up their well deserved cougars on a silver platter. We had a blast. Nothing could have gone better (unless a sorely needed pair of winter worthy socks that were carelessly forgotten in the front seat of the car weren't forgotten). After a long day with a pretty girl and a fantastic time had by all, how could a freezing college boy not rush home and hurriedly look up the songs Even Better Than the Real Thing, Joy Ride, and Left and Right In the Dark and dance his way home in his carseat the whole time?


Discussion 5 成語 (四)

1.邯郸学步 Question:我们用【邯郸学步】来形容一个人一直效仿别人,但是都没发现或善加利用自己的优点。请写一个故事来形容邯郸学步。
有兩個兒子和一個爸爸。 他們的關係還ok的但是這個爸爸比較喜歡他的大兒子因為這個大兒年輕比較大。突然有一個大戰。 這個大兒子自願去打。 爸爸非常尊敬他的兒子。這個時候小兒很難過因為他也很好。他唯一的目標就是讓他的爸爸很快樂。他每天工作就是為了這個目標。當小兒和爸爸收到一件信說大兒子死掉了的時候,爸爸非常難過。小兒很想幫他的爸爸可是因為小兒不是大兒,爸爸不要小兒的幫忙。小兒決定他會應募大戰。小兒去的時候,爸爸還很難過。不太管小兒可能會死掉。過幾天小兒死了。他過世以前,他記得他的爸爸。他也記得他的哥哥。他唯一的希望是讓他的爸爸快樂可是他永遠不會知道。
如果 一個人的家人或非常好的朋友或一個國家需要他的幫忙的話,我覺得他能重做馮婦。比如說有一個爸爸。當他年輕時一個人教他怎麼偷車子。所以他長大都在偷車子。可是有一次警察殺死他的一個朋友。從那個經驗他選擇他不要再偷車。過好幾年後,他有他自己的家庭後,一個人告訴這個爸爸他必須偷一輛車。如果他沒有偷一輛車的話,他的一個小孩會不見。在這個時候爸爸能“重做馮婦 ”。
3.倒吃甘蔗 Question:你学习或做事时有倒吃甘蔗的经验吗?说说你的经验。
4.舍命全交 Question:你会为你最好的朋友冒险或牺牲生命吗?你觉得一般美国人对于舍命全交这句话会有什么想法?
5.望梅止渴 Question:如果你非常需要一个东西或做一件事,但是现在你没有办法达成,你会用什么方法来望梅止渴?


Discussion 4 成語 (三)

1. 宋人獻玉 Question: 如果有人想送你很貴重的禮物,你會接受嗎?爲什麽?
2. 杞人憂天 Question: 你會不會常常杞人憂天?你會為什麽樣的事杞人憂天?
我比較不會杞人憂天。 可是我有一些比較特別的情況會讓我擔心多一點。。。我在別的國家的時候,我在約會中,我能夠傷害別人的時候,等等。
3. 肝腸寸斷 Question: 什麼樣的事會讓人有肝腸寸斷的感覺?請擧一個例子。
我覺得父母親會肝腸寸斷最多的。會肝腸寸斷最多的時間包括第一次去約會時,上大學時, 或他們被車禍。那就會讓父母親擔心超多。我記得我姊姊和他的老公被車禍。我父母親和我姐夫的父母親馬上到車禍的那塊馬路。他們一直在問每一個人甚麼發生了和幫他們的小孩所有的一切。
4. 見賢思齊 Question: 你見到賢能的人,會主動向他學習嗎?請擧一個例子。
5. 東床快婿 Question: 如果有一天你要幫你女兒挑選東床快婿,你會有什麽要求?


Concerts i've seen

i was thinking while driving back from the bravery concert last night that i've been to quite a few shows. i'm going to try to put them all down on [paper]. i'm curious who i've seen. here goes: (chronologically) (if it's on the same line, it was the same concert. the first was the opening act)
U2 - NYC
Kanye West, U2
Collective Soul
Tegan & Sara, The Killers
The Bravery, Depeche Mode
Collective Soul
The Envy Corps, The Killers
The Strokes
Howling Bells, The Killers - Tampa
Jonezetta, Meg & Dia
Anya Marina, Lissy Trullie, The Virgins
Switchfoot, Blue October (unfortunately)
Collective Soul - Las Vegas
The Like, Yacht, Yeah Yeah Yeah's
Airborne Toxic Event, Arctic Monkeys
The Killers
Muse, U2 - Tampa
The Crash Kings, The Bravery
The Sounds - Best of the lot by far.
there's more but i can't think of them right. i'll add them as i think of them. it's a respectable list....no?


discussion 3

1. 心無旁騖 你學習中文時有沒有辦法心無旁騖? 你覺得要怎麽做才能心無旁騖?
2 以貌取人 你曾經以貌取人還是看見別人以貌取人嗎?說說一個以貌取人的經驗。
回答:當然有。可是我真會盡量認識人。不要以貌取人。非常不禮貌。但是一個經驗。。。哦。。。好。有一次我在國中時,在我的德文課有一個書呆子。其實他真是一個很好的人可是大家都覺得他很奇怪。辛苦他。有幾次我說出來一些對他很不好的話然後他肯快不喜歡我。過一斷時間我發現到他人很好可是問題還在。。。他不喜歡我。所以我說”我很抱歉” 然後我們變得好好的朋友。
3 以民為貴 你認爲中國以民為貴的想法跟現在美國政客治理國家的想法一樣嗎?詳細解釋你的答案。
4 生於憂患 你贊成 "生於憂患" 這句話嗎?説明你的理由。
5 立法澗谷 你認爲立法澗谷是一個有效防止人民犯法的方式嗎?說說你的想法。


chinese. zhongwen. 中文

my computer is now in chinese. I officially don't need a password on it bc nobody except a few ppl could navigate around my computer. it's intimidating though because there are a lot of CRAZY characters that i've never seen before. patience. 偏 - 编 - 显 - those always gets me. that and a bunch of others. it'll be good though. it's simplified characters too. i like those.


Discussion 2 : 成语(一)

1不孝有三,无后为大(clip 6) 一不孝:阿意曲从,陷亲不义。 二不孝:家穷亲老,不为仕禄。 三不孝:不娶无子,绝先祖嗣。 Question:美国文化有孝顺父母的观念吗?关于孝顺父母的观念,在美国和中国的人们想法有什么不一样?
回答:美國一定有孝順觀念。如果我們的家庭的關係很好的話,我們孝順觀念比較多。而且中國和美國這個關係我們的想法也是差不多。大部分的差別就在父母親在培養小孩的時候。 如果父母親都不管小孩的話,那小孩就不會有好好的父母親的關係和不會有那些孝順的觀念。
2井底之蛙(clip 9) Question:你曾经听过一件你从来没有听过、很奇特的事而觉得自己是一只井底之蛙吗?说说你的经验。
3五十步笑百步(clip 10) Question:你觉得五十步笑百步这句话有没有道理?你在什么情况下会对别人说这句话?
回答:這句話很有道理。 可是那就不禮貌的。如果我有情況要說這句話的話,應該會看起來這樣:一個人,覺得他比超人還厲害的人,如果他和我在比賽和他一直在欺負我說“嘿你不會赢了!你太可惜!”然後我們比賽。我赢了。 我很高興因為我赢了。 我會告訴他“嘿,五十步笑百步”
4仁民爱物(clip 11) Question:你同意对于不同的人和物,我们应该给与不同的爱吗?说说你的想法。
5.反求诸己(clip 12) Question:当你有一件事做不好时,你会反求诸己吗?请举一个你反求诸己的例子。


Crazy life

So here's an update on my life. I'm tired. I'm happy. Things go good when you're in logan. It's magical up here. Everyone is cool, the weather is phenomenal, and it's just fun. I've been working a ton on the Moench's lawn and finally got finished! i'll get some after pics to go with the before pics. It's what i love to do - changing things from ugly to spectacular. i love it. i'm going to FLORIDA on wednesday (后天) and i can't wait until i get into that sweet sun and 85º weather. I'll be going to a hockey game too! Tampa Lightning vs NJ Devils. SWEET!!! i'll put up pics later




1.子曰:吾十有五而志於學,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳順,七十而從心所欲,不踰矩。 問題:你認為美國人對於人在各個年齡階段的描述有一樣或不同的地方嗎?

回答:我認為想大部分的美國人都覺得“尊敬年輕大得人”。 比較老人有更多智慧,耐心,和對人了解所以他們(大部分的時間)就會期望人給他們的支持。但是美國人不覺得年輕大的人是無所不知的。

2.子曰:父母在,不遠遊,遊必有方。 問題:你每次出遠門時會告訴你父母嗎?你認為你父母應該知道你在哪裡、做什麼事、跟誰在一起嗎?請寫出你的理由。

回答:如果我是跟父母親住在一起的,我會告訴他們那些事情。 但是我們離開家,辦到外地的話我那時候不會告訴他們所有的是。 他們知道我能夠看顧自己和作我想作的事情。美國這邊會比較輕鬆。人都了解大家都想很多自由。那就很好。



回答:如果老師沒有薪水的話,我覺得送禮物很好。大家都要一些鼓勵來作他們的工可是如果送太多的話,那不太好。不太好因為如果老師一直在收到禮物的話,他的目的有可能會變了。比如說,老師開始教課很有可能真要教學生。但是當學生們給他很多禮物時,他會覺得“喔這些禮物很好。我可以作甚麼來讓我獲得更多的禮物呢? 4.子曰:後生可畏,焉知來者之不如今也?四十、五十而無聞焉,亦不足畏也已。


回答:如果那位的生活一直很亂的話,他一直在浪費他的生命的話,他長大時人不會幫助他。人知道其他人的生命渴望。如果他不要過一個好的生活人不會幫助他。 可是如果人沒有很多機會過很好的生活的話,人就會看到他的渴望和他的目標來幫助他達成他的目標。





Viva Las Vegas

yeah, it's true. it's been an extremely busy 2 weeks for me up here in logan, and in california, now also from vegas! i headed down there because something was sold out in wendover...collective soul!!! i couldn't pass up them in concert. after all, i've only seen them twice in concert and i missed them once while i was out of town (republic of china). plus i've always wanted to go to vegas. great excuse right? i headed down there with ben cook and we hit it up! stayed in sam's town (if you don't know what sam's town is and why it's special to me, go to itunes and type "sam's town" in the search menu on the itunes store and you'll figure out why). I now truly understand brandon when he says "well have you ever seen the lights?" because i have and i "feel what you feel" when i hear those words. The trip was very eventful-lots of vegas stuff. one thing i found especially humorous was at around 4:30 am while ben and i were walking down the strip, we saw 3 maxi vans with "LV police" painted all up and down the sides. it wasn't the vans that were comical, but what was inside...prostitutes. very funny! probably 40 of them at least. with a handful outside of the cars attempting to talk their way out of getting arrested and "walking the line". apparently they were 'supposed' to walk a very crooked line all the meanwhile shouting out excuses about how this is "against their rights". blah blah blah LAUGH!!! it was a good trip. but i'm glad to be back in sweet old logan. this place really is the bestest place EVER. oh yeah, did i mention i went to the yeah yeah yeah's concert on the way back up here??????? now THEY CAN PUT ON A SHOW!!! peace


Chinese, hello, cali.

Yeah, that's pretty much what just happened this past week. Went to chinese class just like any other day on wednesday and i started talking to Megan...she's cool. Then we hung out in class, and while we were walking back to campus she mentioned she was going to disneyland the next day (thurs). i jokingly said "got extra seats?" and to my suprise, she said she did! next thing i knew, i was contemplating going to california with a girl i had met 50 minutes previous and all her friends. of course i played it off like i would go regardless of what might be coming up in my life (a previously planned weekend full of errand running and what not) but i finally decided to just GO! it was a free trip (except food of course) to disneyland after all. so come thursday (30 hours after saying hi to megan mind you) i found myself in a minivan full of girls headed down to st george (the guys were at the USU vs UofU game and came down later that night). we had a BLAST. we rolled into california and hit the beach, had incredible food on the huntington beach pier w everyone and then spent the following day (17 solid hours) at disneyland. Talk about a freakin awesome trip! we had everything. more details coming up. i gotta go to chinese. maybe another trip is in store...



我是用我的新的mac打这些字。它很厉害。会让它比较好是我有一个很好的原因买它。。。大学啦!每一件事都在用大声说“这边是完美!”我很爱这边。我的室友很好。 也是很轻松的。我很爱我的汉语课(不过它的缺点),和我真会写我的功课!我学习了很多!除非化学(谁管呢?)和一些我不懂的数学的问题之外我都过的很好。 可是数学的好点是-坐我前面的那个位子有一个很漂亮的女生要和我写功课。 其实她现在坐我旁边。哎呀没时间。。。要走。等我一下!!


College is the best

So i'm typing this from my new mac. it's awesome. what makes it better is that i have a really really good excuse to get it...college! everything about up here is screaming "AMAZING"! i love it up here. my roommates are way awesome and chill. i LOVE my chinese class (despite it's imperfections), and i actually do my homework and am learning! exceptions = chemistry (who cares anyways?) and a couple questions from the last math assignment. but perk of the math is - i was asking a question in class just barely and the really really pretty girl infront of me (strategically placed by me) turns around and says "oh look at this in the back of the book..."and we strike up a convo and then class ends. she leaves, i quickly throw everything in my backpack and catch up with her and get talking more. her name is abbey (yes - same abbey as in abbey road. how cool are her parnets????) and we're going to be study friends. YES. she's cool. and pretty. and funny. i'm excited. i'll keep you posted.
oh yeah, i LOVE collective soul.



最近有很多很好的事。 新的生活,新的习惯,新的人,完全新的情况。我觉得最期待发现到的事就事我在logan! 超好的。现在也有一个很漂亮的女生坐我的旁边说我很酷因为我可以打中文字。太好了。

我最喜欢的课程事我的汉语课。 我的老师真事太好了。她事一个国语guru。任何中文的问题她都知道了。她会讲很快但是事百分之百标准的。她的繁体,简体,台语,英语,和北京话都会。她很好。

我新的住址是在logan的100北路。 我住在一个家里。每个月租金是125元。是我要找的可以住的地方。很便宜,很小,很完美。我刚来的时候我没有一个可以睡觉的地方。但是因为carrie王的帮忙我那天的晚上有一个沙发可以睡。然后那时候的明天我找了我新的家。

生活都过的很好。 我有新的电脑,ipod,和朋友。可是我要走。我要跟坐我旁边的女生调情一下。。。哎喔我很爱大学!!


Concerts, alcohol, and blood

It's not what it sounds like...but it's what's been going on lately. As most of you know, the "big date" was a big deal (hence the name). I think I might have overstressed the whole deal but i played it cool. I think. it started out like any other first date with someone you don't even know. Picked her up and started talking about music. Oh man i'm so excited that alisen loves good music! the coolest part of the date was her singing along to the strokes song "you only live once". Man that was impressive. We got stuck in traffic between university and pg. why does that always seem to happen THERE? actually, a car hit a highway patrolman...haha. how would that be once you got home and ran into some buddies, "yeah i got in a crash earlier today with a highway patrolman." ... "HA!"
We had fun on the drive. i figured out Alisen is my best friend's (girl) cousin. That was nice to know. really ironic actually because i was telling shippen all about my big date. turned out the two were related!
The choice of dinner was a hit. Schlotzsky's Deli. Man i'm glad there is one of those left in utah. we got to the concert and things were going fantastic. chill atmosphere, a good buzz in the air, carbon leaf playing in the background, and a date who likes to hang out in back and just enjoy the music (just like this guy i know). It was going great. Then we ran into Alisen's lifelong friend. Cool, right? kinda. i figured out it's easier to talk with a lifelong friend than with a guy that just asked you out 48 hours earlier. Start the downhill slide.
Once the concert started, these 3 fags of guys came up and were hitting on Alisen's friend. They were "buzzing" around her and trying to be the "cool guys" - apologizing for cutting in front of alisen and me, being drunk, and being loud. Damn drunks. It took a lot of energy to keep telling myself that it wouldn't be worth it to make them move because the 3 of them combined weighed around 600 lbs. Not that i can't take a fat guy, but compared to my 175, i was bound to get into trouble pretty quick. My dream to become Jason Bourne is getting more and more solidified in my life. it's going to happen. when i stop writing this blog, be suspicious.
the concert was fantastic while switchfoot was out. then came Blue October. now, i really opened up my music listening ears before the concert because i wanted to appreciate SOME of the music this Blue October band has made. yeah, it didn't happen. The sounds they made were pretty ok but lyrics like "they're crawling like a cockroach leaving babies in my bed" just aren't super appealing. I'm not a former drug addict, lost soul, or any of the other descriptions listed on the 3rd review of the band on iTunes. ANYWAYS, the fags from the concert got more drinks, found other girls, and i was still listening to the rest of a 2 1/2 hour set by this band i don't really like. then we headed home. it wasn't a complete failure but def could have gone better. I did have one good looking date though.
then, i donated blood just barely. it feels refreshing. i'm a big fan. but, to my dismay, they got rid of the famous amos cookies. crap. but i'm glad to be getting new blood made by good old american hamburgers and applebeer.


The beauty of Podcasts

Yeah yeah yeah (haha, get it?), so i just discovered how much podcasts rock my socks. the other day i looked at the bottom of my itunes and saw i was quickly approaching 40 gigs of music. 40 GIGS! it's something that i've only dreamed of ever accomplishing but now i'm here, i only want more. So it's kinda scaring me because if i go at the pace i have been going lately, i'm going to need another iPod in about 8 months...
i'm finding new music. a lot of it. i'm starting with the greatest songs of 2009 (sound cliche i know but it's the indie version...phoenix, yeah yeah yeahs, and animal collective. bands i'm not familiar with) and will be working my way backwards. it's pretty dang awesome listening to a podcast full of songs i love and haven't ever heard before. it's like a miracle! i like itunes. i'm branching out. i just need to start tweeting...
ㄧㄚ ㄧㄚ ㄧㄚ, 我是剛才發現到podcasts多麼的厲害。 前幾天我去看我的iTunes所有的音樂和發現了我快到40gb。 40 GB! 是我以前只有夢到可以做得到。可是因為我已經到這裡了, 我就是想更多音樂。有讓我一點怕因為如果我一直是在加這麼多音樂的話我是8個月才需要另外一台iPod。。。
我在找到新的音樂。 很多新的音樂。我是在2009精選開始的(聽起來很老套可是是indie的音樂。。。phoenix,yeah yeah yeahs,和animal collective。一些我不認識的樂團)。 我會在2009年開始然後一直往後面走。 我真很喜歡聽podcast的傳播一直在放我很愛和沒聽過的音樂。好像一個奇蹟。我在拓展。 我要現開始tweet。。。


How it works

yes, chinese. And english. it'll be like that. i'm working on it and it's not extremely easy right now but give me a little bit and it'll get there. each blog will come with another. they're the same. just translated. it's a blue person thing to do.
對,中文。和英文。 就會這樣的。 我在盡量練習我的國語和英語。 現在不會太簡單了可是你們要給我一點時間和會比較好。 每一個blog就會有另外一個。 它們是一樣的。 只有被翻譯的。 是一個藍人會做的事情。


我真很愛音樂。 是我的生活中的核心。我有時候我自己沒辦法形容我的內心的感覺可是有一些歌會完美形容我的情況。 比如說“death and all his friends”,“burn your life down”,“no one sleeps when i'm awake”,和“here,here,and here”。 演出者們是(分別)coldplay,tegan and sara,the sounds,和meg and dia。
我從中國回美國來的全部時間都非常混亂(因此這個blog的名字)。 生活一直看起來uncertain可是給每一時刻很多特別的未來。我今天去home depot因為我在想可以當一個很勇敢的男生和問問看一個我從來沒認識過的女孩要不要跟我一起去約會。哎呀那真有很多冒險(可是我是必要找到一個人可以配我去一個switchfoot演唱會!)。“生活過非常快。 如你沒停下來看看一下,有可能你會看不到它”。 謝謝ferris。 你一直知道我們需要聽的哪一句話。但是, 故事還沒接續。我找不到這個我要配我一起去這個演唱會的密女孩。。。名字是愛麗孫,吧。 然後, 她突然到我那裡問我說“你在找窗帘嗎?”“嗯,對吧。窗帘。。。”我們有一個女孩已經發現到這個男生在幹嘛 -一個很可憐的嘗試跟她聊天。 也有一個男生用他的全力在home depot很涼氣氛不流汗。這個故事有一個很美好的結束(你們已經知道吧)她說她會很高興配我一起到這個演唱會去她給我他的電話號碼! 有lissy trullie 所說的“你的真誠的你讓我思考一下” (我很愛音樂。很它)。
也有這個故事的另外一部份很多的你們應該知道可是也有很多的你們不知道。 我會盡量方它上來,吧。 還在發生。我今天有一個人打我的腿因為它。很特別。


It starts...

to start off my first blog, let me say how chaotic my life has been...lots has been going on and i'm just thinking it'll be easier to put my thoughts down on "line" than on paper (i have this thing where i only write in my journal in chinese...) so here it goes.
I hope it isn't outrageously boring.
i love music. it's what i revolve every aspect of my life around. i sometimes have a hard time expressing myself but have songs that will describe my situation perfectly. examples include the songs "death and all his friends", "burn your life down"," no one sleeps while i'm awake", and "here, here, and here" by coldplay, tegan and sara, the sounds, and meg & dia - respectively.
things have been going pretty crazy ever since i got back from china (hence the name of this blog). life seems to be 不穩定 all the time. but it keeps things interesting too. i went to home depot today because i thought i'd be a manly man and ask someone i hadn't ever met on a date. oh boy was that an adventure (but i got someone to go to the switchfoot concert with!). "life moves pretty fast. if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it". Thanks ferris. you always seem to know exactly what to say in the times we need it most. BUT, the story goes on. i couldn't find this mystery girl i wanted to take to a concert...alisen supposedly. then, she comes up and finds me and asks "you looking for blinds?" "uh, yeah. blinds..." well we have a girl who catches on to a guy and his suckie attempt to strike up a conversation and a guy trying desperately to not sweat in the mild, cool climate of home depot. The story has a happy ending (as you all already know). She said she'd love to go and i got her number! As lissy Trullie states so magnificently, "it makes me wonder wonder what you're really about" (i love music. LOVE it).
there is a whole other part to the story that a lot of you probably know but a lot of you don't know. i'll put it up, maybe. it's still happening. i got a slap on the leg for it today. it's interesting.